Privacy Policy

Creative Studio Architects takes your personal privacy very seriously. As a general rule, Creative Studio Architects does not collect your personal information unless you chose to provide that information to us. When you choose to provide us with your personal information, you are giving Creative Studio Architects your permission to use that information for those purposes listed below. If you choose not to provide us with that information, it might limit the features and services that you use on this website.

This privacy statement explains what personal data we collect from you, including information collected on and any other websites this statement is linked to (the “Site”), and how we use that data. By providing information to us you expressly agree to this privacy statement. Please read this privacy statement carefully prior to using this website. This Site is owned and operated by Creative Studio Architects, based in Columbus, Ohio. Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

Personal Data We Collect

Creative Studio Architects collects data on our website in order to operate effectively, answer any inquiries, and best serve you. Most of the information we collect is information provided directly by you. We also get some data through cookies (small text files that store website data on your computer). Creative Studio Architects also obtains data from third party sources, including service providers who supplement the site usage data we collect.

Providing your personal information is completely voluntary. You may decline to provide this personal information when requested. If you chose not to provide data that is required for that particular feature, you may not be able to use that feature. You may also choose to contact us via telephone or email without providing this personal information. Please refer to the contact information below.

The data we collect may include the following:

Contact information: collects basic contact information such as name, phone number, and email address.

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses: this number is identified and logged automatically whenever you visit the Site, along with the time(s) of your visit(s) and the page(s) that you visited

Demographic and location data: Site usage and time spent on the Site

How We Use Personal Data

We use information collected about you for the following purposes:

Communications: We primarily use your personal data to comply with your requests and respond to your inquiries. If you contact us through the Site, we may keep record of your contact information and correspondence, and use it in order to respond to you or for potential follow up. We will use the provided data to fulfill its intended purpose.

Marketing/Business Development: We may also use data provided in order to coordinate our marketing and business development efforts. If a new business opportunity it submitted via the Site, we may store this information for its intended purpose.

Job Opportunities: We may store personal information provided in regards to job application, as provided by you. This confidential information is securely kept with our firm’s HR/Administration. We may store this information for its intended purpose or potential follow up.

Analytics: We may use data collected for a third party source, in order to gauge our Site’s usage, demographics, and overall metrics.

We will retain your personal data only as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, or as is required by applicable law, and then we will delete it.